Accessibility Statement
We invest significant efforts and resources to ensure that all visitors to our website can enjoy equal, respectful, and accessible service. In compliance with the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Law, 1998, and the regulations enacted under it, the website is designed to meet accessibility standards at Level AA, subject to changes and adaptations as per the Israeli standard.
Accessibility Adjustments on the Website:
Standards Compliance: The website is compatible with common browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
Content: The content is written in a simple, clear manner and is organized into topics and content levels.
Links: Links on the website are accessible and easily identifiable.
Images: All images include alternative text.
Design: Visual designs have been implemented to support users with visual impairments.
Structure: The website features a user-friendly structure with clear menus for easy navigation.
Accessibility Menu: Includes options such as font size adjustment, animation stopping, contrast selection, color-blind mode, and more.
Keyboard Navigation:
To increase display size: Press Ctrl and “+” simultaneously.
To decrease display size: Press Ctrl and “-“.
To navigate between links: Use the Tab key.
To activate a link: Press the Enter key.
Limitations to Accessibility: Despite our efforts to make all website pages accessible, some parts may not yet be fully adapted due to technological constraints. We are continuously working to improve and maintain accessibility on the site.
Customer Support and Accessibility Feedback: If you encounter any difficulties while browsing the website, please contact us using the contact form and provide the following details:
A description of the issue.
The action you attempted to perform.
The page where you encountered the issue.
The browser you were using.
We welcome all feedback to enhance the user experience for all visitors.
Physical Accessibility:
There is no physical customer reception. All services are provided online.
For further details or suggestions, please contact us via the contact form on the website or directly using the following information:
Contact Information:
Ben Ginat
Email: [email protected]